Media Day 2019 at Virginia Tech
Once more, Virginia Tech opens its doors to the media that have a plethora of question for them and are eager to get answers. Who’s coming in, who’s going out, and are the Canucks from the North the only ones that can use the Sports Interaction bonus? Let’s see what info the Hokies shared with the world this year.
The Defense Steps Up
With the defense in the previous season being less than stellar, the team expects to up their game a few notches. It would also be a great way to send off Bud Foster. The defensive coordinator announced that he would be retiring and this news somewhat dominated Media Day for a while. The announcement wasn’t a part of a ploy to motivate the players, but to keep them in the loop regarding the direction the team is heading. That being said, those playing defense are eager to prove themselves and honor Foster, particularly Dax Hollifield, the linebacker, who said that he was going to give 110% because, as he put it “[Foster] deserves it.”

Ryan Willis New Quarterback?
While there is still some room for guessing regarding the team’s new starting quarterback, chances are Ryan Willis will take the helm. He has proven himself as a player and his progress over time became the main reason he is favored for the role. He is, reportedly, much more focused and involved with the team and his other responsibilities, so it is natural to expect great things from him in the following season.
This is great for the team, especially given the criticism Willis received from the rest of the team, including the coach Justin Fuente at the beginning of the year. While he did make a few bad calls in the games, the team stuck with him and it would appear he finally managed to get his head into the game. To Willis’ credit, he never blamed his mistakes on others, officially or otherwise. That is the kind of accountability one could only hope for in a leader and Ryan Willis may be the leader the Hokies need right now.

While other teams’ morale might have tanked with so many players leaving for other teams, especially with the previous season being what it is, the Hokies’ core refused to back down. As a result, the team members have become closer to one another. The players that left, talented though they are, did not have the optimism and the team spirit necessary to win. The Hokies hope that those that remained will prove that this kind of spirit will enable the team to reach new heights.
Overall Impressions
Media Day went without a hitch and a large number of inspirational speeches took place. The Hokies seem confident and focused on turning the season into their favor. Let us just hope that it would be enough for what lies ahead. It is true that they possess many talented players, but it will take more than talent and team spirit to come out on top.